An Italian Intrigue Practice Incentive Theme

  • $35.00
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Explore the Italian countryside and cities in this travel-themed practice incentive! Students will become better acquainted with the geography of that land, see some of the world’s oldest architectural structures, learn a bit of history, and experience a taste of Italian culture. The students will move from location to location by correctly deciphering a set of photo clues to locate the mystery musician. Students who reach the correct destination get the added excitement of continuing their travels covertly - unless, of course, another student lands on them and flips them back over! :-)

In addition, they will learn to set longer range goals and establish a plan of action to achieve those goals one step at a time. Along the way, students will be earning Complication Coins for achieving their goals, participating in music events, practicing, and learning Italian terms - all with the objective of learning to play beautifully, naturally, and excellently. Complication Coins can be used at the end of the year to purchase a colorful souvenir t-shirt and sponsorship space on the shirts for their own special logo.

Package includes: Assignment book files, instructions for teachers, wall decor templates, pictures, and clues that will guide the students through their overseas adventure!


"My students really loved An Italian Intrigue this year!" ~Julia T.

"Last year we did the An Italian Intrigue practice incentive theme—so much fun!" ~E.F.

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