Basic Music Theory (Piano/Keyboard) UK/Aust rhythm terminology

  • $15.00
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

This set of Basic Theory Worksheets is designed for the beginner piano or keyboard student.

Rhythm terminology suitable for Australia/UK

(Also available in U.S.A rhythm terminology -

Teach the beginner piano student …

· Finger numbers

· Right hand/ Left Hand

· Keys on the piano keyboard

· Read notation from Bass Clef F to Treble Clef G (the 5 Finger position with both thumbs on middle C)

· Basic theory signs and symbols - Grand Staff, Brace, staff/stave, time signature, bar lines, bars (measures), double bar line, crotchet (quarter note), minim (half note, semibreve (whole note).

The worksheets cover the same material in different ways. Sometimes the student has to write the answer, sometimes circle the answer, sometimes draw a line from the sign/symbol to its answer.

The worksheets are deliberately repetitive so that by the time the student has completed all 16, they should be be able to confidently answer any question about these topics.

Although the content is repetitive, each worksheet is set out differently in eye-catching colours aimed at engaging the beginner piano student. While the worksheets are presented in colour, they can also be printed in greyscale or black & white.

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