Building Blocks ‘Spatial Note Cards’ Set

  • $8.90
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PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Are your students having trouble remembering all those different note values?  Do they find it hard to 'feel' the rhythm?  

Rhythm is a very abstract concept, with symbols representing time or duration, and this can be challenging for students.  But these BUILDABLE and SPATIAL note cards are designed to make it both visual and tactile.

Take the mystery out of rhythm and make the concept of duration LESS abstract, MORE fun, and MORE concrete!

The 'Building Blocks Spatial Note Cards' include:

  • 70+ note value cards, with all different note values and basic rhythm patterns
  • Cards are RELATIVE in size to the note values they contain – making it easy to ‘see’ the value of the notes
  • Tactile – Each card is approximately 5 centimetres high, making it easy for students to pick up and handle
  • Versatile and easy to use – Students can assemble them in any order, to create a multitude of different rhythms
  • Note values range from whole notes right down to sixteenth notes – you choose which rhythms you want to teach
  • Ties, rests and dotted rhythm patterns included
  • Colourful and engaging – Each basic time value has a consistent colour within the set

All the prep work is done so you can just print and use!

This item is also available in our RHYTHM BUILDER Complete Bundle

Print it yourself, or take it to a print shop.  All the PDF files are in a ready-to-print format – Printing & assembly instructions are all included.

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