Sightreading Cards for Ukulele Set 1: C-D-E

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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Don't you think Ukulele students should work on sight-reading as well? Students struggling to read the treble staff or the TAB? Sightreading Cards for Ukulele SET 1 are two measure, bite-sized flashcards for you to use with students of any age and stage.
Set 1 uses notes on Strings 2 and 3: C-D-E. There are 24 cards included in set 1. The cards are perfect for a warm-up, activity transition, or for assessment; the options are limitless!
Sightreading Cards for Ukulele are school/studio licensed, meaning you may make as many copies as you need. If you are a multi-teacher music studio, you may make copies for each teacher. If you are a school, you may make copies for each student, but we ask you refer your colleagues to purchase their own copy!

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