US Version: Thinking Theory Book One – Reproducible Music Theory Workbook

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Accelerate your elementary students’ learning with the Thinking Theory Book One! This book covers basic time signatures, note values, note names and beginning markings; with plenty of review to reinforce these essential concepts.

This book is designed with the student in mind. All concepts are revisited in different ways throughout the book, and the flashcard games provide a fun way to reinforce learning.

Thinking Theory avoids giving students “busywork”  and keeps layouts clean. If a student does need extra review after finishing this book they can move to Book One Plus for lateral work to really cement the concepts.


  • Note Values: Quaver, Dotted Crotchet, Crotchet, Minim, Dotted Minim & Semibreve (USA terms are used in the USA version)
  • Rest Values: Crotchet, Minim & Semibreve (USA terms are used in the USA version)
  • Time Signatures: 2:4, 3:4 & 4:4
  • Landmark notes: Bass C, Bass F, Middle C, Treble G & Treble C
  • Dynamics: Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Crescendo & Diminuendo
  • Tempo Marks: Ritenuto, Ritardando, Rallentando, Allegro, Allegretto, Moderato, Andante
  • Markings/Symbols: Staccato, Slurs & Repeat Marks
  • Solfa: Do, Re, Mi & So
  • Scales: C Major & G Major
  • Accidentals
  • Tones, Semitones & Enharmonics (USA terms are used in the USA version)


  • Thinking Theory is a series of music theory workbooks, designed to accelerate learning while providing plenty of reinforcement of each concept.
  • All concepts are presented in a clear and concise way and page layouts are clean and consistent.
  • No topic is introduced without being revisited several times later in the book.
  • Thinking Theory is designed so you can start anywhere in the series. Concepts are not left out of later books, just covered more quickly.
  • The flashcard games provide a unique way to learn away from the page, and make learning and teaching more secure and more fun.
  • The “Level Up!” tests at the end of each chapter and book allow you to evaluate student learning and plan their next step. 
  • The Thinking Theory Plus books provide a lateral move for students who had finished one book but are not quite ready for the next.
  • Singing with solfa (moveable do) is integrated into the theory books. Solfa helps students with ear training, transposing, sight reading and composition.

Please note that this is the international version of the book, including terms such as quarter note and measure. A US version can be found in a separate listing.

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