Dynamic Detective: a piano dynamics game

  • $4.50
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Can your piano student solve the mystery of the missing dynamics?

I have taught many students over the years and sometimes a younger student will join my studio who struggles with playing louds and softs. I've had very timid students who will only play softly (as though they are scared of breaking the piano!) and the opposite who are full of confidence and love to bash the keys!

This printable game is a fun way to break those barriers and help all young pianists enjoy practising loud or soft sounds. The student plays as 'Chief Detective' and the teacher is their 'Assistant'. To have a chance of cracking the case, students have to demonstrate they understand the musical signs so the audience (or teacher) can really hear those dynamics.

The sheet music is in the five finger position around Middle C (hands separately) and the signs used are 'forte' and 'piano', although the teacher could adapt it to add more signs if they wish.

After purchase you will receive a PDF file with the following:
  • A colourful 'Suspects Board' with eight musicians who could have stolen the dynamics!
  • Suspect cards
  • An 'Evidence Board' 
  • Activity cards
  • Full instructions on how to set up the game and play it
  • Student rewards for successful detective skills include a 'Hall of Fame' poster for your studio and a certificate
  • Five sets of 'Case Notes' with music in the five finger position around Middle C.

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