Musical Symbol Bingo: Learn and Identify Basic Music Symbols Game

  • $7.00
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Further your students knowledge of music with this fun and educational musical symbol identification bingo game! This interactive activity is designed to help students learn and identify 24 different basic music symbols.
Key Features:
  • Comprehensive Learning: Students will learn to recognize 24 different music symbols including categories such as note values, articulations, dynamics, and more.
  • 30 Bingo Boards: 30 different layouts of the bingo board in both vibrant color and black and white.
  • Call List: Keep track of which music symbols have been called by placing bingo chips on the call list as you go.
  • Colorful Bingo Chips: Printable bingo chips included in eight different colors.
Included musical symbols:
Sixteenth Notes, Eighth Notes, Quarter Note, Quarter Rest, Half Note, Half Rest, Whole Note, Whole Rest, Tenuto, Accent, Staccato, Piano, Mezzo-forte, Forte, Key Signature, Time Signature, Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Sharp, Flat, Repeat Sign, Fermata, Crescendo, Decrescendo
How to Play:
Call out musical symbol names or provide a definition of the musical symbol. As students recognize symbols, they'll place bingo chips on their boards. Keep track of progress by marking off music symbols on the call list.
This musical symbol identification bingo game is perfect as a classroom activity, an addition to a homeschooling curriculum, or as an easy sub plan. Watch your students learn to identify a wide variety of musical symbols by sight while having fun at the same time!

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