Product Description Outline

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Not only do product descriptions need to describe what you are selling, you need to throw in persuasive devices, and you need to write in a specific way in order to show up in search results.

That is well, A LOT but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!  


This digital download outline will help teachers, like you, describe their teaching products that will captivate potential customers + give you cues on where to put keywords in order to rank higher with SEO.  


If you want to know more about what you need to have in a product description, make sure to watch the video below. 

This free digital download is a 2 page pdf that outlines the important parts you need for successful product descriptions.


This resource includes:

  • 2-page pdf

The truth about product descriptions is that they can be harder to write than the product you made.  These Product Description Templates will no longer leave you guessing at what to write + they will help you rank better due to SEO. 

If you are ready to supercharge your product listings + rank better in search engines + make more passive income, successful product descriptions are key! 


If you are interested in pre-written product descriptions check out this listing.

I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! 



❤️ Tara Wright, Melodic Mentors


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