Rhythm Addition Math Equations Bundle: Levels One - Five

  • $12.80
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Combine music and math with these rhythm addition flashcards! Each card contains a musical math equation - add the note values together to get your numerical answer!
Each level includes 32 flashcards, both in color and in black and white. Answers to the rhythm math problems are also included.
These cards can be printed double-sided so that the answers are on the back, or each page can be printed separately to create a matching game.
This bundle includes:
1. Rhythm Addition Math Equations Level One
Includes the following note values: quarter note, quarter rest, beamed eighth notes (groups of 2)
2. Rhythm Addition Math Equations Level Two
Includes the following note values: half note, half rest, plus note values from level one
3. Rhythm Addition Math Equations Level Three
Includes the following note values: whole note, whole rest, beamed sixteenth notes (groups of 4), plus note values from levels one and two
4. Rhythm Addition Math Equations Level Four
Includes the following note values: single eighth note, dotted half note, beamed eighth note and two sixteenth notes, plus note values from levels one, two, and three
5. Rhythm Addition Math Equations Level Five
Includes the following note values: eighth rest, beamed sixteenth notes (groups of 2), dotted quarter note, dotted quarter rest, plus note values from levels one, two, three, and four

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